11 September 2017
14,30 Welcome
14,50 Session 1 - Geometry processing:
- Filippo A. Fanni, Gianmarco Cherchi and Riccardo Scateni, "Polycube-based Decomposition for Fabrication"
- Fabio Marco Caputo, Pietro Prebianca, Alessandro Carcangiu, Lucio Davide Spano, and Andrea Giachetti, "A 3 cent recognizer: simple and effective retrieval and classification of mid-air gestures from single 3D traces"
- Marco Livesu, "Heat Flow Based Relaxation of n Dimensional Discrete Hyper Surfaces"
- Pedro Company, Peter A.C. Varley and Raquel Plumed, "Perimeter detection in sketched drawings of polyhedral shapes"
16,10 Thesis award
16,30 Coffee break
17,00 Keynote: Riccardo Scateni
Take it off: subtractive fabrication. The geometry processing research community put a lot of effort, in the last years, to study and solve dozens of problems raising linked to the usage of 3D printers. Only recently CNC machiner was thought as another possible tool for producing free-form geometries. We will try to see what can be used for small scale production in a research lab, what has been done and which problems are left open in the field.
20,00 Social dinner
12 September 2017
9,10 Session 2 - Images, visualization and interaction:
- Corrado Calì, Marco Agus, Nicholas Gagnon, Markus Hadwiger and Pierre J. Magistretti, "Visual analysis of glycogen derived lactate absorption in dense and sparse surface reconstructions of rodent brain structures"
- Fabio Marco Caputo, Andrea Giachetti and Marco Emporio, "Single-handed vs. two handed manipulation in Virtual Reality: a novel metaphor and experimental comparisons"
- Filippo L.M. Milotta, Michele Bellocchi and Sebastiano Battiato, "The Social Picture: Advanced Image Analysis Application"
- Alberto Cannavò and Fabrizio Lamberti, "User Interaction Feedback in a Hand-Controlled Interface for Robot Team Tele-operation Using Wearable Augmented Reality"
10,30 Coffe break
11,00-13,00 Project session:
- RESHAPER: Reverse Engineering of Self-care and Healthcare Aids for Personalized Empowerment and Rehabilitation, Alberto Signoroni - University of Brescia
- VEDI - Vision Exploitation for Data Interpretation, Giovanni Maria Farinella - University of Catania
- DSURF: Scalable Computational Methods for 3D Printing Surfaces, Riccardo Scateni - University of Cagliari
- Scan4Reco: Multimodal Scanning of Cultural Heritage Assets for their multilayered digitization and preventive conservation via spatiotemporal 4D Reconstruction and 3D Printing, Andrea Giachetti - University of Verona
- ArchAIDE Archaeological Automatic Interpretation and Documentation of cEramics, Roberto Scopigno - ISTI CNR Pisa
- Caxman Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing, Manrco Livesu - IMATI CNR Genova
- Gravitate: Discovering relationships between artefacts using 3D and semantic data, Silvia Biasotti - IMATI CNR Genova
13,00 EG It members meeting
15,00 Session 3 - Applications:
- Davide Tanasi, Filippo L.M. Milotta, Ilenia Gradante, Filippo Stanco and Howard Kaplan, "A digital approach for the study of Roman signacula from Syracuse, Sicily"
- Marianna Saba, Fabio Sorrentino, Alessandro Muntoni, Sara Casti, Gianmarco Cherchi, Alessandro Carcangiu, Fabrizio Corda, Alessio Murru, Lucio Davide Spano, Riccardo Scateni, Ilaria Vitali, Ovidio Salvetti, Massimo Magrini, Andrea Villa, Andrea Carboni and Maria Antonietta Pascali, "A Seamless Pipeline for the Acquisition of the Body Shape: the Virtuoso Case Study"
- Simone Tomasello and Miriam Pazzi, "3D Reconstruction of Façade and the Statues of the Church Maria Santissima dell’Elemosina in Biancavilla"
16,00 Conclusion