@article{rondinella2024comparative, pdf = "publications/BMC_Bioinformatics.pdf", url = {}, title={A comparative evaluation of diffusion based networks for Multiple Sclerosis lesion segmentation}, author={A. Rondinella and F. Guarnera and A. Ortis and E. Crispino and G. Russo and F. Pappalardo and S. Battiato}, journal={BMC Bioinformatics}, pages={}, year={}, publisher={} }
@inproceedings{pishvai2024advantages, pdf = "publications/CMISF_2024.pdf", title={Advantages of brain parcellation in Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation}, author={Pishvai, Dario Samuele and Rondinella, Alessia and Guarnera, Francesco and Battiato, Sebastiano}, booktitle={2024 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)}, pages={}, year={2024}, organization={IEEE} }
@InProceedings{10.1007/978-3-031-80139-6_1, pdf = "publications/icpr2024arxiv.pdf", url = {}, author="Rondinella, Alessia and Guarnera, Francesco and Crispino, Elena and Russo, Giulia and Di Lorenzo, Clara and Maimone, Davide and Pappalardo, Francesco and Battiato, Sebastiano", editor="Antonacopoulos, Apostolos and Chaudhuri, Subhasis and Chellappa, Rama and Liu, Cheng-Lin and Bhattacharya, Saumik and Pal, Umapada", title="ICPR 2024 Competition on Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation---Methods and Results", booktitle="Pattern Recognition. Competitions", year="2025", publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland", address="Cham", pages="1--16", abstract="This report summarizes the outcomes of the ICPR 2024 Competition on Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation (MSLesSeg). The competition aimed to develop methods capable of automatically segmenting multiple sclerosis lesions in MRI scans. Participants were provided with a novel annotated dataset comprising a heterogeneous cohort of MS patients, featuring both baseline and follow-up MRI scans acquired at different hospitals. MSLesSeg focuses on developing algorithms that can independently segment multiple sclerosis lesions of an unexamined cohort of patients. This segmentation approach aims to overcome current benchmarks by eliminating user interaction and ensuring robust lesion detection at different timepoints, encouraging innovation and promoting methodological advances.", isbn="978-3-031-80139-6" }
@inproceedings{puglisi2024syntba, pdf = "publications/m10189-puglisi-final.pdf", url = {}, title={SynthBA: Reliable Brain Age Estimation Across Multiple MRI Sequences and Resolutions}, author={Puglisi, Lemuel and Rondinella, Alessia and De Meo, Ermelinda and Guarnera, Francesco and Battiato, Sebastiano and Ravì, Daniele}, booktitle={MetroXRAINE 2024}, pages={}, year={2024}, }
@inproceedings{raciti2024efficient, pdf = "publications/m9474-raciti-final.pdf", url = {}, title={Efficient Atrophy Mapping: A Single-Step U-net Approach for Rapid Brain Change Estimation}, author={Raciti, Riccardo and Rondinella, Alessia and Puglisi, Lemuel and Guarnera, Francesco and Ravì, Daniele and Battiato, Sebastiano}, booktitle={MetroXRAINE 2024}, pages={}, year={2024}, }
@inproceedings{litrico2024tadm, pdf = "publications/litrico_miccai.pdf", url = {}, title={TADM: Temporally-Aware Diffusion Model for Neurodegenerative Progression on Brain MRI}, author={Litrico, Mattia and Guarnera, Francesco and Giuffrida, Mario Valerio and Ravì, Daniele and Battiato, Sebastiano}, booktitle={International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention}, pages={444--453}, year={2024}, organization={Springer} }
@inproceedings{rondinella2023enhancing, pdf = "publications/Enhancing_Multiple_Sclerosis_Lesion_Segmentation_in_Multimodal_MRI_Scans_with_Diffusion_Models.pdf", title={Enhancing Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation in Multimodal MRI Scans with Diffusion Models}, author={Rondinella, Alessia and Guarnera, Francesco and Giudice, Oliver and Ortis, Alessandro and Russo, Giulia and Crispino, Elena and Pappalardo, Francesco and Battiato, Sebastiano}, booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)}, pages={3733--3740}, year={2023}, organization={IEEE} }
@article{rondinella2023boosting, pdf = "publications/Boosting multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation through attention mechanism.pdf", url = {}, title={Boosting multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation through attention mechanism}, author={A. Rondinella and E. Crispino and F. Guarnera and O. Giudice and A. Ortis and G. Russo and C. Di Lorenzo and D. Maimone and F. Pappalardo and S. Battiato}, journal={Computers in Biology and Medicine}, pages={107021}, year={2023}, publisher={Elsevier} }
@inproceedings{rondinella2023attention, pdf = "publications/covid19detection.pdf", url = {}, title={Attention-based convolutional neural network for CT scan COVID-19 detection}, author={Rondinella, Alessia and Guarnera, Francesco and Giudice, Oliver and Ortis, Alessandro and Rundo, Francesco and Battiato, Sebastiano}, booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW)}, pages={1--5}, year={2023}, organization={IEEE} }
@inproceedings{guarnera2023early, title={Early detection of hip periprosthetic joint infections through cnn on computed tomography images}, pdf = "publications/PJI.pdf", author={Guarnera, Francesco and Rondinella, Alessia and Giudice, Oliver and Ortis, Alessandro and Battiato, Sebastiano and Rundo, Francesco and Fallica, Giorgio and Traina, Francesco and Conoci, Sabrina}, booktitle={International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing}, pages={134--143}, year={2023}, organization={Springer} }
@inproceedings{napoli2022mixup, pdf = "publications/mixup.pdf", title={Mixup Data Augmentation for COVID-19 Infection Percentage Estimation}, author={M. A. Napoli Spatafora and A. Ortis and S. Battiato}, booktitle={Image Analysis and Processing. ICIAP 2022 Workshops: ICIAP International Workshops, Lecce, Italy, May 23--27, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, Part II}, pages={508--519}, year={2022}, organization={Springer} }
@inproceedings{trenta2022explainable, title={An Explainable Medical Imaging Framework for Modality Classifications Trained Using Small Datasets}, author={F. Trenta and S. Battiato and D. Rav{`\i},}, booktitle={Image Analysis and Processing--ICIAP 2022: 21st International Conference, Lecce, Italy, May 23--27, 2022, Proceedings, Part I}, pages={358--367}, year={2022}, organization={Springer} }
@inproceedings{rundo2021advanced, pdf = "publications/Advanced_Deep_Network_with_Attention_and_Genetic-Driven_Reinforcement_Learning_Layer_for_an_Efficient_Cancer_Treatment_Outcome_Prediction.pdf", title={Advanced Deep Network with Attention and Genetic-Driven Reinforcement Learning Layer for an Efficient Cancer Treatment Outcome Prediction}, author={F. Rundo and G. L. Banna and F. Trenta and S. Battiato}, booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)}, pages={294--298}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE} }
@inproceedings{rundo2021advanced, pdf = "publications/Advanced_Densely_Connected_System_with_Embedded_Spatio-Temporal_Features_Augmentation_for_Immunotherapy_Assessment.pdf", title={Advanced Densely Connected System with Embedded Spatio-Temporal Features Augmentation for Immunotherapy Assessment}, author={F. Rundo and G. L. Banna and F. Trenta and S. Battiato}, booktitle={2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)}, pages={1--7}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE} }
@inproceedings{pino2021interpretable, pdf = "publications/Interpretable_Deep_Model_For_Predicting_Gene-Addicted_Non-Small-Cell_Lung_Cancer_In_Ct_Scans.pdf", title={Interpretable deep model for predicting gene-addicted non-small-cell lung cancer in ct scans}, author={C. Pino and S. Palazzo and F. Trenta and F. Cordero and U. Bagci and F. Rundo and S. Battiato and D. Giordano and M. Aldinucci and C. Spampinato}, booktitle={2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)}, pages={891--894}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE} }
@inproceedings{rundo2021advanced, pdf = "publications/Advanced_3D_Deep_Non-Local_Embedded_System_for_Self-Augmented_X-Ray-based_COVID-19_Assessment.pdf", title={Advanced 3d deep non-local embedded system for self-augmented x-ray-based covid-19 assessment}, author={F. Rundo and A. Genovese and R. Leotta and F. Scotti and V. Piuri and S. Battiato}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision}, pages={423--432}, year={2021} }
@inproceedings{rundo2021advanced, title={Advanced non-linear generative model with a deep classifier for immunotherapy outcome prediction: A bladder cancer case study}, author={F. Rundo and G. L. Banna and F. Trenta and C. Spampinato and L. Bidaut and X. Ye and S. Kollias and S. Battiato}, booktitle={Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges: Virtual Event, January 10--15, 2021, Proceedings, Part I}, pages={227--242}, year={2021}, organization={Springer} }
@article{rundo20203d, pdf = "publications/jimaging-06-00133.pdf", title={3d non-local neural network: A non-invasive biomarker for immunotherapy treatment outcome prediction. case-study: Metastatic urothelial carcinoma}, author={F. Rundo and G. L. Banna and L. Prezzavento and F. Trenta and S. Conoci and S. Battiato}, journal={Journal of Imaging}, volume={6}, number={12}, pages={133}, year={2020}, publisher={MDPI} }
@inproceedings{pappalardo2020detection, pdf = "publications/2020_memea.pdf", author={G. Pappalardo and G.M. Farinella}, title={On the Detection of Colorectal Polyps with Hierarchical Fine-Tuning}, booktitle={2020 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)}, pages={1--5}, year={2020}, organization={IEEE} }
@inproceedings{pappalardo2020temporal, pdf = "publications/IPAS2020_Pappalardo_ID19.pdf", author={G. Pappalardo and D. Allegra and F. Stanco and G.M. Farinella}, title={On the Exploitation of Temporal Redundancy to Improve Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy}, booktitle={Fourth IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Applications and Systems (IPAS 2020)}, year={2020}, organization={IEEE} }
@article{catanuto2018breast, pdf = "publications/Breast shape analysis with curvature estimates and principal component analysis for cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery.pdf", title={Breast shape analysis with curvature estimates and principal component analysis for cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery}, author={G. Catanuto and W.Taher and N. Rocco and F. Catalano and D. Allegra and F.L. Milotta and F. Stanco and G. Gallo and M.B. Nava}, journal={Aesthetic surgery journal}, volume={39}, number={2}, pages={164--173}, year={2018}, publisher={Oxford University Press US} }
@article{rundo2018evaluation, pdf = "publications/rundo_medical.pdf", title={Evaluation of Levenberg--Marquardt neural networks and stacked autoencoders clustering for skin lesion analysis, screening and follow-up}, author={F. Rundo and S. Conoci and G.L. Banna and A. Ortis and F. Stanco and S. Battiato}, journal={IET Computer Vision}, volume={12}, number={7}, pages={957--962}, year={2018}, publisher={IET} }
@inproceedings{allegra2017description, title={Description of breast morphology through bag of normals representation}, author={D. Allegra and F.L.M. Milotta and D. Sinitò and F. Stanco and G. Gallo and W. Taher and G. Catanuto}, booktitle={International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing}, pages={511--521}, year={2017}, organization={Springer} }
@inproceedings{gallo2016breast, title={Breast shape parametrization through planar projections}, author={G. Gallo and D. Allegra and Y.G. Atani and F.L.M. Milotta and F. Stanco and G. Catanuto}, booktitle={International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS) }, pages={135--146}, year={2016}, organization={Springer}, }
@inproceedings{battiato2009objective, pdf = "publications/Objective Analysis of Simple Kidney Cysts from CT Images.pdf", title={Objective analysis of simple kidney cysts from CT images}, author={S. Battiato and G.M. Farinella and G. Gallo and O. Garretto and C. Privitera}, booktitle={IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)}, pages={146--149}, year={2009}, organization={IEEE} }
@article{catanuto2008experimental, pdf = "publications/2008_medicaliplab.pdf", title={Experimental methodology for digital breast shape analysis and objective surgical outcome evaluation}, author={G. Catanuto and A. Spano and A. Pennati and E. Riggio and G.M. Farinella and G. Impoco and S. Spoto and Salvatore and G. Gallo and M. B. Nava}, journal={Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive \& Aesthetic Surgery}, volume={61}, number={3}, pages={314--318}, year={2008}, publisher={Elsevier} }
@inproceedings{battiato2008neurofuzzy, pdf = "publications/neurofuzzy.pdf", title={Neurofuzzy segmentation of microarray images}, author={S. Battiato and G.M. Farinella and G. Gallo and G.C. Guarnera}, booktitle={19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)}, pages={1--4}, year={2008}, organization={IEEE} }
@article{battiato2007adaptive, title={Adaptive techniques for microarray image analysis with related quality assessment}, author={S. Battiato and G. Di Blasi and G.M. Farinella and G. Gallo and G.C. Guarnera}, journal={Journal of Electronic Imaging}, volume={16}, number={4}, pages={043013}, year={2007}, publisher={International Society for Optics and Photonics} }
@article{catanuto2006232, pdf = "publications/2006_medical.pdf", title={232 ORAL Curvature mapping and outcome evaluation in breast plastic and reconstructive surgery}, author={G. Catanuto and A. Spano and A. Pennati and G.M. Farinella and S. Spoto and and G. Impoco and G. Gallo and M.B. Nava}, journal={European Journal of Surgical Oncology}, volume={32}, pages={S69--S70}, year={2006}, publisher={Elsevier} }
@inproceedings{farinella2006objective, title={Objective outcome evaluation of breast surgery}, author={G.M. Farinella and G. Impoco and G. Gallo and S. Spoto and G. Catanuto and M.B. Nava}, booktitle={International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention}, pages={776--783}, year={2006}, organization={Springer} }
@inproceedings{farinella2006unambiguous, pdf = "publications/2006_medical2.pdf", title={Unambiguous Analysis of Woman Breast Shape for Plastic Surgery Outcome Evaluation}, author={G.M. Farinella and G. Impoco and G. Gallo and S. Spoto and G. Catanuto}, booktitle={eurographics Italian chapter conference}, volume={6}, pages={255--261}, year={2006} }
@inproceedings{battiato2006ad, title={Ad hoc segmentation pipeline for microarray image analysis}, author={S. Battiato and G. Di Blasi and G.M. Farinella and G. Gallo and G.C. Guarnera}, booktitle={Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems, Neural Networks, and Machine Learning}, volume={6064}, pages={60640Y}, year={2006}, organization={International Society for Optics and Photonics} }
@inproceedings{battiato2006medical, pdf = "publications/three case studies.pdf", title={Medical Imaging Applications: Three Case Studies}, author={S. Battiato and G. Di Blasi and G.M. Farinella and G. Gallo and G. Impoco}, booktitle={Conferenza Italiana Sistemi Intelligenti (CISI) }, year={2006} }
@inproceedings{catanuto2005breast, title={Breast shape analysis on three-dimensional models}, author={G. Catanuto and G. Gallo and G.M. Farinella and G. Impoco and M.B. Nava and A. Pennati and A. Spano}, booktitle={Third European Conference on Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast}, year={2005} }