
We have been involved in the following Medical Imaging projects:

Title: In Silico World
Starting Date: 2021
Ending Date: Ongoing Project
Description: The In Silico World project aims at accelerating the uptake of modelling and simulation technologies used for the development and regulatory assessment of medicines and medical devices, by lowering seven identified barriers: development, validation, accreditation, optimisation, exploitation, information, and training.
Referent: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato

Title: National PhD in Artificial Intelligence - Health and Life Sciences
Duration: 3 Years
Active cycles: 37° Cycle, 38° Cycle, 39° Cycle
Description: The application of AI in the field of health and life sciences and, in particular, the integration of AI, IoT & biorobotics foreshadows scenarios of rapid evolution towards precision medicine, an increasingly predictive, preventive, personalised and participatory medicine. The specific training pathway of this vertical component envisages the design, development and application of innovative methods, tools and systems that can be used both for basic biological and bio-engineering research, necessary for understanding the origin of pathologies and the preliminary verification of innovative solutions on computational and organ-on-chip models, and for experimental, translational and clinical medical research, in order to maximise the impact of this research on health and the quality of human life, including longevity. A pathway that starts with the generation of significant data on health status and relevant environmental conditions, moves on to their processing with AI and data science techniques for knowledge extraction and decision support, and arrives at the synthesis, implementation and monitoring of the tools and actions required for diagnostic, therapeutic and care purposes to improve the health and safety of the individual in health, social and work contexts, by means of digital tools and cyber-physical systems. Given the particular nature of the contexts affecting health, the PhD course will also address issues related to the acceptability of AI technical solutions by health professionals and patients and their effective incorporation into healthcare processes.
Lead University: Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Participants Universities and Research Institutions: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste, Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Università degli Studi di Catania, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Università degli Studi di Torino, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata.
Calls for admission: Calls
Referent: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato

Title: Artificial Intelligence for Medical Imaging
Duration: 36 months
Starting Date: November 2018
Ending Date: October 2021
Grant by: Linkverse S.r.l., Roma (IT)
Principal Investigator: Prof. Giovanni Maria Farinella