Ciclo/Cycle XXXIX

Call for Applications

Italian English Website-PhDs

Verbale operazioni concorsuali N.1

Graduatoria valutazione titoli

Graduatoria Idonei

Risultati Colloqui

Graduatoria Idonei rettificata


Annex-8 Information sheet - Computer Science


Student Grant Research Project Supervisor Co-Supervisor Start Ph.D.
Dott. Lemuel Puglisi PNRR DM 118/2023 Digital Innovation: Models, Systems and Applications Prof. D. Ravì 01/08/2023
Dott. Francesco Pio Marino PNRR DM 118/2023 Digital Innovation: Models, Systems and Applications Prof. S. Faro 01/08/2023
Dott.ssa Giusy Giulia Tuccari di San Carlo ISTC - CNR Ontology-based Knowledge Graph generation from corpora Prof. M. Mongiovì 01/08/2023
Dott. Luigi Seminara PNRR DM 118/2023 Digital Innovation: Models, Systems and Applications Prof. A. Furnari Prof. G. M. Farinella 01/08/2023
Dott. Claudio Vittorio Ragaglia PNRR Spoke 1 HPC Models, tools and algorithms Prof. S. Battiato Prof. F. Guarnera 01/08/2023
Dott. Ignazio Giuseppe Zangara Without scolarship Digital Forensics Prof. S. Battiato Prof. L. Guarnera 01/12/2023
Dott. Simone Orazio Scionti PNRR Spoke 6 Database Designing strategies for Cultural Heritage Cataloging Prof. F. Stanco Prof. D. Allegra 01/08/2023
Dott. Claudio Manno PNRR - AITHO SRL Development of automation for creating agents based on Large Language Models that integrate data from multiple sources Prof. E. Tramontana 01/08/2023
Dott. Mirko Casu PNRR Spoke 1 Development of algorithms and techniques IA-based to monitor Human behaviour on wearable devices Prof. S. Battiato Prof. P. Caponnetto 01/08/2023

Professor members of the University of Catania

Professor members of external institutions