The Workshop MultiMedia FORensics in the WILD (MMForWILD) 2022 will be held on August 21, 2022, from 14:30 to 18:05 CET (Central European Time), 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM (Montreal Time).
The schedule of the workshop will be as follows (times are expressed in CET):
14:30 – 14:35, Opening & Welcome by Chair
14:35 – 15:15
Invited Speaker: Marco Fontani
Title: A tour in the real-world challenges faced by law enforcement agencies when dealing with images and videos.
Abstract: Multimedia contents are deeply intertwined with our lives, and, as a consequence, they've become an invaluable asset also for investigative and evidentiary use. However, there are still numerous open challenges for law enforcement agencies when it comes to acquire, authenticate, enhance, and analyze images and videos for forensic use. This webinar presents some of these challenges faced on a daily basis by law enforcement operators and reveals some trends in their demand for new technologies.
It will also present some of the typical pitfalls to which less-trained officers are exposed when dealing with images and videos for their investigations.
15:15 Combining Automatic Speaker Verification and Prosody Analysis for Synthetic Speech Detection
15:40 Towards Unconstrained Audio Splicing Detection and Localization with Neural Networks
16:05 Comprint: Image Forgery Detection and Localization using Compression Fingerprints
16:30 Misalignment Estimation in Non-Aligned Double JPEG Scenario Based on AC Histogram Analysis
16:55 – 17:15 Break
17:15 H4VDM: H.264 Video Device Matching
17:40 GBDF: Gender Balanced DeepFake Dataset Towards Fair DeepFake Detection
18:05 Attacking and Defending Printer Source Attribution Classifiers in the Physical Domain
The workshop will be held online. Join the Zoom meeting at the following link:
Meeting ID: 853 9375 5981
Passcode: 077238