MultiMedia FORensics in the WILD (MMForWILD) 2020

Organized in conjunction with ICPR2020 The 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Milan, Italy, January 10-15, 2021

Aim and Topics

The rapid growth of multimedia collections world-wide opens new challenges to multimedia technology with respect to crime prevention and investigation. The protection of images, video, and audio data from illegal use, as well as its exploitation in forensics and intelligence, have become serious challenges as the sheer data volume renders a full manual inspection by an expert impossible. Tools are needed to support the protection, management, processing, interpretation, and visualization of multimedia data in the different steps of the investigation process. Many exciting solutions for related problems have been developed in the multimedia research community (including knowledge extraction, categorization, indexing, browsing and visualization), forming an excellent basis for forensics and intelligence. The problem with many solutions developed so far is that they work well in controlled settings like those typical of laboratory experiments, but often fail to provide reliable answers in real-life conditions such as those encountered by forensic analysts and investigators in their daily activities.

MMForWILD offers a forum for proposing multimedia forensic solutions meeting the operational needs of forensics and intelligence operators. The workshop is targeted both at researchers working on innovative multimedia technology and experts developing tools in the field. The goal of the workshop is to attract and invite papers investigating the use of multimedia forensics outside the controlled environment of research laboratories (LEA, Practitioners, etc.). It intends to offer a venue for theory- and data-driven techniques addressing the trustworthiness of media data and the ability of verifying their integrity to prevent harmful misuses, seeking for solutions at the edge of signal processing, deep learning, multimedia analysis.


Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Tampering Detection
  • Source Identification
  • Media Attribution
  • Adversarial Multimedia forensics
  • Fake vs Natural Imagery
  • Digital Counter Forensics
  • Audio Authentication
  • Open set device attribution
  • Digital forensics in the presence of incomplete information
  • Detection of deep fake videos
  • Interpretable forensics and Deep Learning
  • Large scale forensic analysis
  • Detection and identification of complex media processing chains
  • Semantic-based forensic analysis

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: October 10th 17th 2020
  • Author notification: November 10th 2020
  • Camera-ready submission: November 15th 2020

Review Process

Papers will be selected by a single blind (reviewers are anonymous) review process based on their originality, relevance, and clarity of presentation. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 2 PC members, according to their expertise. Workshop Chairs will be responsible for the final decision about each work, especially for borderline situation.del>

Workshop Organizers

Mauro Barni, University of Siena, IT,
Sebastiano Battiato, University of Catania, IT ,
Giulia Boato, University of Trento, IT,
Hany Farid, University of California, Berkeley, USA,
Nasir Memon, New York University, USA

Industrial Sponsors