ACVR 2024
Twelfth International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics
9:00 - 13:00, 29 September 2024, Room Tower Lounge
Deepak Pathak, Carnegie Mellon University, US
Deepak is an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the School of Computer Science. He’s a member of the Robotics Institute and affiliated with the Machine Learning Department. He works in Artificial Intelligence at the intersection of Computer Vision, Machine Learning & Robotics. He spent a year as a researcher at Meta AI Research collaborating with Jitendra Malik and visiting PostDoc at UC Berkeley with Pieter Abbeel. He received PhD from UC Berkeley advised by Alyosha Efros & Trevor Darrell, and Bachelor in Computer Science from IIT Kanpur.
Talk Title: A Bottom-up Approach to Sensorimotor Learning.
Lamberto Ballan, University of Padova, IT
Lamberto is an Associate Professor of computer science at the University of Padova, Italy, where he leads the Visual Intelligence and Machine Perception (VIMP) group. He was a senior postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University and the University of Florence, Italy, supported by a prestigious Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission. His primary research area is computer vision, closely integrated with applied machine learning and multimedia, specifically focused on exploiting big data for visual recognition problems. Dr. Ballan has published more than 70 papers in the most prestigious journals
and conferences in computer vision, pattern recognition, multimedia and image processing. He has been an ELLIS member since 2021.
Talk Title: From context-aware motion prediction to embodied visual navigation.