Fuzzy Contrast Enhancement

Author: Sergio Alestra (sergioalestr@libero.it)
Advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (battiato@dmi.unict.it)
History: This plugin was implemented in February 2008

Works with:

8-bit grayscale images
ImageJ's version: 1.38x (used to develop this plugin)
Source: Fuzzy Contrast Enhancement.zip

Unzip Fuzzy Contrast Enhancement.zip to the plugins folder and compile Fuzzy_Contrast_Enhancement.java and PlotPanel.java with the "Compile and Run" command. Restart ImageJ to add the "Fuzzy Contrast Enhancement" command to the Plugins menu.


This plugin implements a fuzzy process of enhancing the constast of a gray-scale image.


Here is a brief description:
1) Select a 8-bit grayscale image;
2) Click on the "Fuzzy Contrast Enhancement" command;
3) Change, if it is the case, the parametres of the membership function by sliders;
4) Click on the button "Reset" to restore the default parametres;
5) Click on the button "Apply" to apply the fuzzy process with the specified parametres.



Sergio Alestra, Fuzzy Image Processing - Implementazione di plug-in per l'ambiente ImageJ

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