Author: Dr. Stephan Preibisch Adapted for the Forensics purpose by: Domenico Trovato (domenicotrovato87 -at- History: 19/09/2012 v1.0
Source: Installation: Download to the plugins folder, or subfolder, go to Plugins/Compile and Run, select from plugins folder or subfolder, then run the plugin using the Plugins/Stitching or Plugins/'subfolder'/Stitching command. Description: This plugin does the Stitching of two(given input) images. GUI: First Image: the first reference image as input
Use Channel: colour channels used to represent the image
Second Image: the image to be transformed(translation)
Windowing: to get better performance of Fourier Theorem
Peaks: a peak is a result of the correlation phase matrix
Create Image: to show the output Image
Fusion Method: which method is getting involved
Alpha: Blending parameter. It sets a linear/non-linear blending
Compute Overlap: to compute an overlap section of the images if no coordinates are provided
The Report HTML/TXT checkboxes save a report of the operation results in a "html" or "txt" page format. This is useful to create a forensics documentation.Bug: there aren't known bugs, but please report any bug to my email. Thanks.