Author:                      Andrea Salvatore Tambone (astambone@gmail.com)


Advisor:                     Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (battiato@dmi.unict.it)


History:                      This plugin was implemented in June 2011


Work with:                All Images


ImageJ’s version:      1.44p


Source:                       Specchia_Orizzontalmente.java Specchia_Verticalmente.java


Installation:               Make a directory in the plugins folder, call this directory “Specchia” and Copy Specchia_Orizzontalmente.java and Specchia_Verticalmente.java in to the plugin folder and compile it with the “Compile and Run” command. Restart ImageJ to add the “Specchia” menu and his commands to the Plugins menu..


Description:               These plugins implement a flip function (Horizontally and Vertically) for the image processed, also creates an html report file in a folder of your choise. ImageJ.


Usage:                        Here is a brief description:

           1) Load an image;

2) Choose what kind of flip do you need (Horizontal or Vertical);

3) That's all






Test image


Test Image after

Specchia Orizzontalmente” command


Test Image after “Specchia Verticalmente” command


Example of Report HTML





Download:                 Andrea Salvatore Tambone, a documentation of this project provided by Andrea Salvatore Tambone (in Italian)