Plugin Livelli

Author: Salvatore Sebastian Barbagallo (
Advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (
History: This plugin was implemented in January 2012

Works with:

8-bit images (grayscale and indexed) and RGB images
ImageJ's version: 1.45s (used to develop this plugin)

Download to the plugins folder and compile it with the "Compile and Run" command. Restart ImageJ to add the "Plugin Livelli" command to the Plugins menu.


This plugin Adjusts the image values according to the desired curve.
"Plugin Livelli" maps the input image values to the output image values according to the drawn curve: the x coordinate of the curve is mapped to the corresponding y value.
User can choose his preferred transform function simply modifying the scrollbar value which allows to change the shape of the transformation.


Here is a brief description:
1) Change the scrollbar value to create your favourite LUT;
2) Click on the button "Preview" to view how the image would be if it was processed according to the chosen transform curve;
3) Click on the button "Apply" to definitively apply the current transform to the image;