Author: Tommaso Testa (, Salvatore Adriano Zappalà (, Salvatore Scalia (
Advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (
History: This plugin was implemented in July 2011

Works with:

8-bit grayscale images, RGB images
ImageJ's version: 1.44p (used to develop this plugin)

Download to the plugins folder; restart ImageJ to add the "Filtro Lineare Plugin" command to the Plugins menu.


This plugin does the convolution of an image with the specified kernel matrix. You can specify a value that will multiply every element of the matrix and a value that the matrix will be divided to.


Here is a brief description:
1) Click on “Filtro Lineare” from Plugins Menù;
2) Insert the values into the 7x7 kernel;
3) Insert the value of “Moltiplicatore” (1 Default);
4) Insert the value of “Divisore” (1 Default);
5) Click on the “Applica” button to apply the filter to the image;
6) Save the Report in a folder.

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