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ICVSS Computer Vision in the Age of Large Language Models

Generative Models in Computer Vision

Andreas Geiger

University of Tübingen, DEU


Today, generative models form the foundation for many downstream tasks. In this lecture, I will first introduce and motivate the utility of generative models, and then cover the fundamentals of three generative models that had a profound impact on computer vision: variational auto-encoders, generative adversarial networks and diffusion models. I will introduce the models formally and highlight connections between. For each model, I will demonstrate some notable applications in 2D and 3D computer vision. In particular, I will discuss (text-conditioned) image and 3D shape generation models as well as 3D-aware models for novel-view synthesis. I will also cover models that are able to synthesize multi-object 3D scenes, 3D human bodies and 3D traffic scenes. Finally, I will briefly introduce scholar-inbox.com, a new paper recommender tool developed by my group.