From Fundamentals to Applications
Welcome Drink and Registration at the Conference Centre
Dinner at the Village Restaurant
Registration at the Conference Centre
Opening and Overview
Lecture 1: Frank Dellaert
Coffee break
Lecture 2: Yasutaka Furukawa
Lecture 3: Shahram Izadi
Student Poster Session and Local Wine Tasting
Lecture 4: Florent Perronnin
Coffee Break
Lecture 5 : Gerard Medioni
Lecture 6: Marc'Aurelio Ranzato
Lecture 7: Leonidas Guibas
Lecture 8: Larry Zitnick
Lecture 9 : Rita Cucchiara
Guided Tour to Ragusa Ibla with Traditional Sicilian Folk Dance
Buffet Dinner at the Antico Convento dei Cappuccini with Traditional Sicilian Folk Dance
Lecture 10 : Ming Yang
Lecture 11: Maja Pantic
Lecture 12: Andrew Fitzgibbon
Reading Group: Stefano Soatto
Dinner at the Restaurant on the Beach
Party on the Beach
Lecture 13: Masayuki Inaba
Lecture 14: Larry Matthies
Lecture 15: Ryuzo Okada
Student Presentations Best Presentation Prize & Scholarship
Essay Competition Award
Closing Ceremony
Closing Party at the Swimming Pool