CVPR 2025

We have a paper accepted at CVPR 2025!!! ❤️
Gazing Into Missteps: Leveraging Eye-Gaze for Unsupervised Mistake Detection in Egocentric Videos of Skilled Human Activities
Authors: Michele Mazzamuto, Antonino Furnari, Yoichi Sato, Giovanni Maria Farinella
In the CVPR email from Programme Committee:
This year, we received 13,008 valid submissions that underwent the review process. The program committee recommended 2878 papers for acceptance, resulting in an acceptance rate of 22.1%. All but 4 papers were initially evaluated by at least three independent reviewers. In the case of the few papers with only 2 reviews, the AC served as the third reviewer. Following the author rebuttal and reviewer discussions, moderated by an Area Chair (AC), a triplet of three ACs reviewed each paper holistically, considering the reviews, author rebuttal, and reviewer discussions. For challenging cases, additional ACs, Senior ACs, and/or Program Chairs (PCs) were consulted.
Additionally, Area Chairs (ACs) identified a number of highly irresponsible reviewers, those who either abandoned the review process entirely or submitted egregiously low-quality reviews, including some generated by large language models (LLMs). Following a thorough investigation, the Program Chairs (PCs) decided to desk-reject 19 papers authored by confirmed highly irresponsible reviewers, which would have been accepted otherwise, in accordance with the previously communicated CVPR 2025 policies. The affected authors have been informed of this decision.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the reviewers, Area Chairs, and Senior Area Chairs for their invaluable contributions to the review process.