Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation

We are extremely happy to announce that the paper in which we give birth to the “impostor bias” has been published in Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation!
In a world where deepfakes have achieved an exceptionally high level of quality and realism, a new cognitive bias has emerged. This bias stems from the pervasive doubt individuals feel when viewing digital images or videos, or listening to audio. They instinctively question the authenticity of these multimedia elements, wondering if they are real or fake.
We have termed this systematic doubt “impostor bias, drawing inspiration from the concept of impostor syndrome.
TitleGenAI Mirage: The Impostor Bias and the Deepfake Detection Challenge in the Era of Artificial Illusions
AuthorsMirko CasuLuca GuarneraSebastiano BattiatoPasquale Caponnetto.
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