Filtering Framework

Author: Camillo Bosco (
Advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (
History: This plugin was implemented in July 2005

Works with:

8-bit images (grayscale and indexed) and RGB images
ImageJ's version: 1.33u (used to develop this plugin)

Unzip to a temporary folder. Copy and to the plugins folder and compile them with the "Compile and Run" command. Restart ImageJ to add the "Filtering Framework" command to the Plugins menu.


This plugin implements a framework for filtering images in the spatial domain.
It allows making spatial convolution of the image to filter with a given mask (kernel).
The convolution between an input image f and a spatial mask h is defined as follows:

where M and N are the width and the height of the image.
User can choose one of the standard filters or insert his/her favourite kernel. This plugin is based on plugin, a variation of ImageJ's command Convolve....


Here is a brief description:
1) Choose a standard filter using the combo box;
2) You can view the kernel corresponding to the selected standard filter by clicking on the button "View Mask";
3) Click on the button "Preview" to view as the image would be if it was processed according to the chosen filter;
4) Also the possibility to enter a different kernel and view the corresponding convolution is provided by clicking on the button "Insert Mask & Convolve";
5) Click on the button "Apply" to definitively apply the current filtering to the image;
6) Click on the button "Help & Info" to view some information about this plugin.


punto elenco Bosco C., A presentation of this project provided by C.Bosco (in Italian);

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