Morphological Operators

Author: Salvatore Aglieco (
Advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (
History: This plugin was implemented in March 2006

Works with:

8-bit grayscale images
ImageJ's version: 1.33u (used to develop this plugin)

Download to the plugins folder and compile it with the "Compile and Run" command. Restart ImageJ to add the "Morphology" command to the Plugins menu.


This plugin implements the basic morphological operators for image processing, dilation, erosion, opening, colosing, hit-or-miss transform and morphological algorithms for smoothing, boundary extraction and gradient
It allows the selection of different type of structuring element. Otherwise it's possible to draw the structuring element or load it from a file.
The selected morphological operator is applyed with the selected mode, binary, for binary images, or gray scale, for gray scale images.;


Here is a brief description:
1) Select a morphological operator;
2) Select the binary / gray scale mode;
3) Select a Structuring Element, or paint it, or load it from a file;
4) Use slider bar to change the gray level of the structuring element;
5) Click on the button Binaryze to convert the input image into a binary image;
6) Click on the button Info to view some information about this plugin.
7) Click on the button Apply to apply the selected morphological operator;


punto elenco Salvatore Aglieco, Estensione software ImageJ con tecniche di morfologia matematica

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