Homomorphic Filter

Author: Alessandro Ortis (alessandro.ortis@gmail.com)
Advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (battiato@dmi.unict.it)
History: This plugin was implemented in July 2014

Works with:

8-bit grayscale images
ImageJ's version: 1.47v (used to develop this plugin)
Source: HomomorphicFilter_.java

Download HomomorphicFilter_.java to the plugins folder and compile it with the "Compile and Run" command. Restart ImageJ to add the "HomomorphicFilter" command to the Plugins menu.


This plugin implements an homomorphic filter using the following equation, from Gonzalez and Woods, 3rd ed. H(u,v) = (gH - gL)(1 - exp(-c(D^2(u,v)/D0^2)) + gL where D(u,v) is the distance from the center of the M-by-N frequency rectangle, gH and gL are the high frequency and low frequency parameters respectively.


Here is a brief description:
1) Open an image;
2) Select the filter from the menu bar;
3) Insert the values of gH, gL, c and the cutoff frequency (D0) of the filter;
4) Click on the OK button to apply the filter to the image.


punto elenco Alessandro Ortis, Estensione del software ImageJ con l’implementazione di un filtro omomorfico

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