Resize ROI

Author: Maugeri Chiara and Virzì Emanuela
Advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato
History: This plugin was implemented in August 2011
Installation: Copy Resize_Roi.class and Resize_Roi$SpinnerChange.class to the plugins folder and restart ImageJ or compile and run java source code.
Description: This plugin allows you to resize a region of interest of an image.
You must first capture region of interest using a tool of selection. If the selection is not rectangular is considered the smallest rectangle containing selection; if no region is selected the plugin resizes the entire image.
This plugin allows you to specify the type of interpolation (Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear or Bicubic) and the height and width of the output image or the scale factor. Finally, if required, a report about operations is generated in the image folder.

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