Multiple Images Average Noise Remover
Author: Angelo Russo ( (Feel free to mail me if you encounter any bugs)
Advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (
History: This plugin was implemented in August 2012
Works with: 32-bit color images STACK
ImageJ's version: 1.46r (used to develop this plugin)

Download to the plugins folder.
2)"Compile and run" from "plugin" menu.
3)Restart ImageJ to add the "AvgNoiseRmvr" command to the Plugins menu.
*Download and install StackReg and TurboReg plugins if you want to align input images.


This plugin calculates the average value of each pixel of the images of the stack. It can also align the images of the stack with StackReg and there are options to enhance contrast and brightness of the output.


Here is a brief description:
1) Create a stack of images (i.e. by using the "Import"->"image sequence..." in "File" menu.
2) Run plugin from plugins menu.
3) Choose if you want to align stack images (StackReg plugin needed!) and show an histogram. Clicking ok will output the averaged image.
4) You are now given the option to enhance contrast and brighten the output image.
5) Once you have obtained the enhanced output you may choose to repeat this step with different values, before proceeding.
6) Finally you will be given the opportunity to generate a HTML report of the process.


ALIGN : The images in the stack are aligned using the StackReg plugin.
HISTOGRAM : Generate the histogram relative to the current output image.
ENHANCE CONTRAST : Enhance the contrast of the average image using the sigmoid function.
WINDOW RADIUS : Set the radius of the window of values that will be expanded.
WINDOW CENTER : Set the center of the contrast enhancing window.
BRIGHTEN : Enabling this option will boost the value of each pixels by 55 (capped at 255).
REPORT : Generate a HTML report of the entire process.


Noise reduction by image averaging.
Sigmoid function
Continuous Output - The sigmoid function
StackReg An ImageJ plugin for the recursive alignment of a stack of images.

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