Author: Tommaso Testa (tommypzl89@gmail.com), Salvatore Adriano Zappalà (salvozpp@yahoo.it), Salvatore Scalia (salvo.scalia88@gmail.com)
Advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (battiato@dmi.unict.it)
History: This plugin was implemented in July 2011

Works with:

8-bit grayscale images, RGB images
ImageJ's version: 1.44p (used to develop this plugin)
Source: Canny_Plugin.java

Download Canny_Plugin.java to the plugins folder; restart ImageJ to add the "Canny Plugin" command to the Plugins menu.


This class/plugin finds the edges of the image using the Canny Edge Detection Algorithm. Found edges will be displayed in an output image. You must specify two parameters, Threshold 1 and Threshold 2. The lower value will be used to connect the borders, and the higher value will be used to find the initial segments of the most marked borders.


Here is a brief description:
1) Click on “Canny Plugin” from Plugins Menù;
2) Choose the dimension of Gaussian and Sobel kernel (“Apertura”);
3) Insert the value of “Soglia1” and “Soglia2”;
4) Click on the “OK” button to apply the filter to the image;
5) Save the Report in a folder.

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