Author: Daniele Caruso (caruso.daniele@yahoo.it), Dario Messina (dario.messina.ct@gmail.com)
Advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (battiato@dmi.unict.it)
History: This plugin was implemented in July 2012

Works with:

JPG Image
ImageJ's version: 1.46r (used to develop this plugin)
Source: Exif_Viewer.zip

1) Download Exif_Viewer.zip;;
2) Extract "sanselan-0.97-incubator.jar" in the folder "\ImageJ\jre\lib\ext;
3) Extract the file "Exif_Viewer.java" in the folder "\ImageJ\plugins\";
4) Compile and run "Exif Viever";
5) Restart ImageJ to add the "Exif Viewer" command in the Plugins menu;


This plugin extracts Exif Metadata from images. It also extracts the thumbnail and compares it with a resized copy of the image. The Exif Metadata and the Thumbnail extracted are saved in two subdirectory called "Reports" and "Thumbnails".


If there is an image opened in ImageJ, the plugin will work on this image, else you can select an image or a directory from the plugin interface.

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