Brute force Clone Detection 2

Author: Luigi Claudio Viagrande (LuigiViagrande at and Roberta Carrubba(
History: 15/06/2012 v2.0
Installation: Download to the plugins folder, or subfolder, go to Plugins/Compile and Run, select from plugins folder or subfolder, then run the plugin using the Plugins/CloneDetection2 or Plugins/'subfolder'/CloneDetection command.
Description: This plugin searches for cloned sections (Forgery) inside digital images

X: value that indicates the top left x value of the source

Y: value that indicates the top left y value of the source

W: value that indicates the width of the source

H: value that indicates the height of the source

Threshold: value that indicates the maximum amount of difference between the source pixel and the analyzed pixel values

Rotation: value that indicates the maximum angular rotation that the source selection could perform

Steps: value that indicates the angular rotation performed by the source selection at each iteration

CounterClock: value that indicates if the source selection could rotate clockwise or counterclockwise

Scale x: value that indicates the maximum scale of x that the source selection could perform

Amount x: value that indicates the amount scale x performed by the source selection at each iteration

Scale y: value that indicates the maximum scale of x that the source selection could perform

Amount y: value that indicates the amount scale x performed by the source selection at each iteration

There are two ways to use the program. The first method allows you to enter values directly in X,Y,W and H text box to select the source or the target search box. The second method allows you to define the regions of interests with the mouse.

  • Textbox method
    Write in the X,Y,W and H text box the value and press Source; the requested selection box will be written in the first list on the left. You can also select a target box if you want to limit the search to a specific zone. Just type the selected X,Y,W and H values in the text box and press Target. If you want to cancel the source box, the text box, the result or all just press the desired Clear_. button.

  • Mouse method
    Select the first tool on the left, rectangular selection. Then click and drag the mouse over the image to define the desired region of interest and release the mouse button. Then press the Source orTarget button.
The Report HTML button saves a report of the operations made with this tool in an html page by including all values in the table and all procedures step by step. This button is useful to create a forensics documentation.

Bug: there are no known bugs, but please report any bugs to my email.Thanks.

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