MDPI Journal of Imaging
The paper Deepfake Media Forensics: Status and Future Challenges has been accepted for publication in MDPI Journal of Imaging (Q1, IF 2.7)!
This work is part of the FF4LL project (Detection of Deep Fake Media and Life-Long Media Authentication), where we explore cutting-edge techniques for detecting and authenticating deepfake content.

The impact of deepfakes on security, ethics, and trust.
Existing forensic techniques for deepfake detection, attribution, and authentication.
Research gaps and challenges in handling real-world deepfakes, including adversarial manipulations and evolving generative techniques.
The importance of passive and active authentication to improve media integrity.
The paper outlines future directions for deepfake forensics, emphasizing continuous learning, forensic explainability, and robust detection strategies to counteract the increasing sophistication of AI-generated manipulations.
Thanks to all the forensic researchers from various Italian institutions who contributed to this study! 

Stay tuned for more updates! 

Authors: Irene Amerini, Mauro Barni, Sebastiano Battiato, Paolo Bestagini, Giulia Boato, Vittoria Bruni, Roberto Caldelli, Francesco De Natale, Rocco De Nicola, Luca Guarnera, Sara Mandelli, Taiba Majid, Gian Luca Marcialis, Marco Micheletto, Andrea Montibeller, Giulia Orrù, Alessandro Ortis, Pericle Perazzo, Giovanni Puglisi, Nischay Purnekar, Davide Salvi, Stefano Tubaro, Massimo Villari, Domenico Vitulano